
“Because I had two areas of concern in the summer of 2015, Julie Bennett, CCT, imaged my chest with thermography in order to find places of inflammation. This was done to obtain as much information as possible for my peace of mind as I moved toward making decisions about my health.

Her office was clean and pleasant, and Ms. Bennett was professional at all times, explaining the process thoroughly during my completely painless appointment. After the images were read by the doctor, Julie got the results to me immediately. She also assisted me with learning the terminology. I learned things I did not know in the process, and will be returning to her for my next check-up. I would recommend this procedure to others.

We must educate ourselves so that we can make informed choices at every step that our health care professionals recommend, so that we can say yes or no along the way. No one knows our symptoms and our entire history better than we ourselves.”

-Diane, Eaton County, Michigan


“We’re told time and time again that breast health and certain steps toward maintaining breast health are important. As a 26-year-old, I didn’t know where or when to start getting serious about this. Julie answered all of my questions, explained the process with ease, gave me all the information I needed before my thermal imaging session and helped my session run with comfort and ease. My results were returned in a timely manner, were easy to understand and included suggested next steps to ensure best breast health tactics. My apprehension toward breast exams has been drastically lightened, and while I know I’ll still need to take other steps toward securing proper breast health, this first step was a breeze and I am so glad I decided to take it.”

-Mandi, Grand Rapids, MI


“I have to tell you about my experience using the imaging report you gave me. Last summer I had a problem with an infection in my upper right gum above my molars. The doctor lanced the gum and prescribed a round of antibiotics. I ended up having to have the tooth below the infection extracted. After the healing, I had to get a bridge made so that I could chew. My dentist and a root canal specialist spent six months trying to understand why I still had pain in the upper right jaw. They speculated that the bridge was rubbing on my gum and needed to be remade or that I had an infection in the tooth next to the original extraction. After receiving the imaging report and reading the findings, that indicated increased heat in the area of my pain, I went back to the dentist and root canal specialist and showed them the image. Although conventional x-rays did not show anything significant, the specialist decided to do a root canal, suspecting an infection. He did find that the tooth in question did have an infection, so he repaired the tooth and treated me with antibiotic. Today I am free from pain. The image you took confirmed that there was a problem in my upper right jaw. Thank you, Julie, for your important part in providing discovery, healing, and comfort.”

-Virginia, Grand Rapids, MI